Now it is finally launched on the Internet, my webshop ISLINA GARN OCH DESIGN (translation: Islina yarn and design). It took forever but that is how it is when you are a mother of 2 children and at home with them.
Here is the webaddress:
Both should work. It comes in english too. Just click the english flag up in the right hand corner when you are in the shop. Or this link should work:
So far I have only yarn, books, patterns and one home knitted sweater for sale. It will expand soon. I just have to order some accessories like needles and pins. I am also going to put up one or two more hand knitted sweaters for sale.
You guys, who reads this and goes in to have a look in my shop, please give me feedback. It would be nice to hear what you think about it.
There is still a lot to fix there. I have to change the pictures to make them more professional.
Yesterday, by the way, I was outdoors with my daughers and my camera. So I had to take a picture of my youngest daughter in her little Lopapeysa (Icelandic sweater). She is now 8,5 months old. It is made in Alafoss Lopi. I just have to put out a picture: