25 April 2008

Quick project: Icelandic poncho plus pictures of Viktoria in baby sweater!

The first summer day in Iceland was yesterday. It is a public holiday so I was at home. That was nice. I was just taking it easy and knitted a bit. But not too much since I got stuck with this PC game Sims 2, that I bought 2 weeks ago. It is really fun, haha!

The the day before yesterday there was a birtday party for Ulli (german friend), who works with me in Actavis. I and two other girls decided to fix a gift together. My idea was to knit a poncho, because I knew that she wanted one. So they bought the yarn and I knitted it.

But we were out late with this idea so I had to knit fast. I got the yarn last Thursday and began right away in the evening when we had knitting club. Then I knitted a bit on Friday evening, almost whole Sunday and the rest on Monday and Tuesday evening. It took some time! In the end I had 270 stictches on one round so one round took 6 minutes if I knitted fast. I had a stopwatch and timed it. I guess it takes 10 minutes per round if you watch TV and chat with someone.

The result was really nice. I tried it on myself and Johan took a picture, before I wrapped it up. I think I have to do one for myself too later. I like it a lot. It is warm and cosy to wear inside or outside when it is cold. It is just that I have planned so many other project first. For this one I used lopi yarn and needles number 6 by the way.

Here is the result:

And this is how it looks like on:

I have also finished the grey dress I started on: or almost finished it. It has been lying around for 2 weeks or something because I need to sew in buttons on the upper part and the thing is that I have not decided how I want to have it. I will try to decide this weekend. You will see what I mean when I put up the picture. It is actually nice: really thick but nice. I am going to try to do it another yarn later: A thinner yarn.

I also got some nice picture of little cute Viktoria in her little pink knitted sweater I made. Here is a nice picture:

At the moment I am making another gift, a lopapeusa, which I am not going to show until it is delivered. I started it before I got the poncho idea. So I will knit a bit during the weekend, but not so much I guess. I am hooked on Sims 2 now.

07 April 2008

baby sweater, scarf and a dress!

Time flies. I have had a lot to do the last month. There is always to little time left. It goes so fast when you are getting older. And I don't want to accept. I get really annoyed when I have set goals and can not finish them. That often happens.

I would really like to have 6 hour workingday. That would have been so nice.

Anyway I have knitted a bit. It has not been as fun as before. It is taking so much longer time to knit with 2,5/3 mm needles. But the result is very nice. I made a baby sweater again. This time in blue. Actually I did a mistake so it took even longer time. I made the front 3 sizes too small. Haha, weird that I did not notice until I was done with it. So I just had to start over with the front.

It turned out really nice when it was finished. I gave it to James Hafsteinn (Jamie's and David's son). I thought it was about time to do something for them.
I always knitted baby stuff for all my other friends with newborn babies or kids. I thought about it even when James was younger (8 months old now), but then I had so many other things I had to knit first.

I knitted this with needles 3 mm and a Icelandic yarn called Kambgarn. And I was so used to lopi yarn beforem knitted with 6 mm needles so this took time. Here is a picture of James in his sweater. He is so cute!

During the sweater project I also started to knit a black scarf. But it is goint very slow. I have done mistakes 7 times now. It was just ripping it up and start over again. You can not watch too much TV when you doing this pattern. You have to focus more on what you are doing. It is knitted in the icelandic yarn Einband, which consists of only one thread of yarn. I'm using needles 4 mm. We will se how it turns out. It is fun to do something else than the usual.

I have actually done a bit longer than in the picture:

Then I also started to knit a dress. This is a record for me to have 3 projects ongoing at the same time. But ok, it is only 2 now when the sweater is finished.

I saw a dress in Kringlan, at Vero Moda and thought: This is nice! I want to knit this myself! So I took some picture with the cell phone and went straight to Haglaup and bought some yarn. I looked at the tag of content and they had used 50% wool and 50 % acrylic. I could not find that so I took 70 % acrylic and 30 % wool. In the evening I started. It was so fun to do something one my own. Just figuring out my self how to do it.

We will se how it turns out. It is for me. It is very thick and warm already. But that is perfect for me. I am always cold. Esspecially at work where all the Icelandic people like to open the windows all the time. Even in the Winter. I am so cold.

If it turns out bad I just have to do anohter one. I just need to find some thinner yarn. This yarn that I found now is actually for needles 9 mm (I use 7 mm). Maybe I should do it with 5 mm or even 4 mm.

What you see in the picuture is just the beginning. I am almost done with it by now. I might finish it this weekend. We will see. It is supposed to be a hood on it too. And there is a cable on one side of it, as you can see. I am going to knit a black cord and pull it through.

Now it is time to go for knitting night.

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