24 September 2009

The vest and a hat are finished and now I am knitting a baby hat for Olivia

I have been sick for about 1,5 week so there has not been much knitting. But I was actually donw with the vest before I got sick but I had no energy to put out a picture. And did not even have a picture taken and I did not want it taken when I looked so sick and miserable. It could have been the swine flu or it could have been a seasonal flu. Who knows? The symptoms are almost the same.
Anyway, I feel almost completely well again, just a little runny nose and some throat problems left. It is not much so now I felt like putting out a picture and write some text in my blog again. This is how the vest looks like:

From the yarn left-overs I made a matching hat. And now I have nothing left of that yarn. Here is a picture of the hat:

And here is picture of me in both the vest and the hat:

And here is the link for the pattern of both the hat and the vest:

Then I also made another square for the baby blanket I am planning to put together. I used a multicolor yarn in pink and lilac. It looked so lovely that I just felt the urge to knit a hat for Olivia in that yarn. And so I did. Here is what I have done so far:

Now I will continue a bit on the hat while Olivia i sleeping. If she does not wake up. And of course I should continue on my Icelandic lopapeysa (pullover) now when I have decided to have buttons on the side of the collar and down to the arm

08 September 2009

I have started a new project again

I don't know what is wrong but I do not like it very much to knit on my Icelandic pullover (lopapeysa). Maybe because the yarn is so black and black and black and boring and itchy. I wonder? It might be that it is only black I have been knitting for a while. That is why I started a new project. I wanted to do something quick and thick so I started on waist coat that I found on the site www.dropsdesign.com. Here is the link to the pattern:

I so not use the yarn in the description but mine is similar and I also use 8 mm needles. It is as thick as mu previous sweater with hood. It goes very fast and I enjoy it.
Here is the result so far:

Then I also have my Icelandic pullover to work on. I have at least put on the arms. Now it is time to start the pattern. But I tend to let it lay there in a corner since I am not sure how I will do the zipper. I do not want to have a zipper in the front. I think I will do one on the side, which goes down to the armwhole. Here is how it looks like with the arm attached:

I think I will finish the coat before I continue with the Icelandic lopapeysa.

06 September 2009

A charity project finished!

I was supposed to knit on my Icelandic lopapeysa (pullover) but I had a divagation. At the knitting night, Lisa had an idea to start a project where everyone knitting something for children in need. More exactly for the orphans in Bosnia. Her husband soon-to-bee is from Bosnia but they both live in Iceland. I joined the project since I have so much wool lying aound at home and since it is a nice thing to do. I had a couple of balls of grey wool from Sweden lying around at home. They have been there for years now. I did not like them very much myself so it was a perfect choice.
I made a little hooded pullover for a kid about 4 years old. But when I sewed the armes to the body it looked really ugly. I knitted with needles 10 (mm) and a very thick yarn and the wholes looked quite big. But then I found a similar yarn at home; A black thick yarn. I used it to crochet the edges of the arm, the body and the hood and made a small stripe over the ugly seems. Here is the result:

From the front:

From the back:

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