29 November 2011

Icelandic Knitted Child Sweater for a 3-4 years old finished!

I have finished the child sweater for 3-4 years old. It took some time because i did not have a suitable zipper at home. So I went out byuing one and now I have finally sewed it in.
Sad to say my 3-years old daughter do not want to stand model. So I will not get a nice picture. She just screams and starts to cry if I try to put the sweater on her. She is very stubborn now. It will not be any nice happy pictures there.

The sweater is knitted in Álafoss lopi and the pattern I made/designed myself. It is actually the same pattern as the sweater I made for a grown-up a while ago, which I call VATNAJÖKULL. I really liked the pattern so I had to do it in a child sweater too. Here is a picture:

The sweater is by the way for sale in my webshop:

28 November 2011

I got this idea of knitting Icelandic Collars

3 weeks ago I got this idea of knittig Icelandic collars i Létt-lopi or Lopi light. I am now almost finished with the second one. The first looks like this:

Of course I put it out for sale in my webshop:

After that one I felt like doing the next one and just change white to black and vice versa. This is how it looks like this very moment:

What is left is to fold and sew cast-on edge, weave in loose ends and then wash is and stretch it a little bit.

24 November 2011

Almost done with a Icelandic Sweater for a Kid

I have been knitting a Icelandic Sweater for a 3-4 year old in the same pattern as the latest Sweater I made for a grown-up. It has taken forever to get it dry. After 4 days of drying it was still moisture in it. It of course depend on me not spin-drying it in the washing machine. The washing machine is actually broken. Very bad. Big pile of clothes is lying there now. Soon we have to buy new clothes. No, just kidding. I hope the spare part is coming tomorrow.
Anyway, now it seems like it is dry finally. So next step is to sew in a zipper and then put it out for sale in my webshop.

This is how it looks like right now:

16 November 2011

A small scarf or neckerchief knitted in Einband

I have finished a small scard i lace weight yarn. I used the Icelandic yarn Einband. I actually found the work in a bag when we moved in here. One day I had to finish it and this day came last weekend when I went by train to Stockholm. I knitted the whole way there and finished it just about 3 minutes before we arrived. Yes!
When I went home to Gothenburg again I had planned to knit but I was too tired and slept all the way.

So here is the result:

The pattern can be found in the book Einband - Icelandic Lace, which looks like this:

You can for example buy it in my webshop together with the yarn here:

06 November 2011

Felted slippers - I have tried to do felted slippers in Álafoss Lopi

I watnted to try to do felted slippers in Icelandic yarn the other day. So I knitted 2 pieces in Álafoss Lopi, sewed them together and placed them in the washing machine 60 degrees Celsius (111 degrees Fahrenheit) twice. They ended up pretty big but my daughter can have them anyway and they will be perfect in 2 years or so.
I am going to try do some felted slippers in Plötulopi next time.

But now I at least know that it is possible to felt Icelandic yarn. However, I had to wash the pieces twice in 60 degrees Celsius in the washing machine.

This is how the pieces looked like when I had knitted them:

And this is how they looked like after sewin them together:

And this is the result after washing them twice in the washing machine:

05 November 2011

Icelandic Sweater "Lopapeysa" -VATNAJÖKULL - finished !

The Sweater is finished! The hood is done. The Zipper is sewed in. The only thing left is to sew in a nametag, which says "Islina". After that it is time to send the Sweater to the girl, who ordered it. I hope it will fit and that she will be satisfied with it. But it is not for her. It is a gift for her boyfriend. I just hope he is not finding my blog before she has given it. It will be interesting to hear how he likes it.

I at least thinks it is very nice. I like it a lot. It must be my best Sweater ever. The only thing I am thinking about doing different is the cord in the hood. Maybe I could have bought a small cord instead. But that is easy to do later anyhow.

The pattern and the design I made myself. I depicted it after the customer's wish. I will put it out for sale in my webshop as soon as I have written it down as a PDF.

Here below is two pictures of the Sweater. My boyfriend had to stand model.

In the first one the cord is visible_

And here the cord is tucked in:

I will call this sweater "VATNAJÖKULL".

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