Well, I moved here to Iceland in February 2006 and I think it was in the end of the year that I took up knitting again. Last time I knitted before that was when I was 17 years old. First time was of course in school and after that me and my friend Anna often sat at here place and knitted. I never finished my sweaters. I was not so good at that point. One bright blue sweater I actually ripped up. And the second one was my lama sweater as can be seen on my boyfriend later in this contribution. I finished it here in Iceland at one of my first knitting club meetings.
I was thinking to myself that maybe I will finish this in Iceland sometime. I saw it when I was packing down my stuff in Sweden on my way moving to Reykjavik.
So after a while in Iceland, working at the University, intended to do my Ph.D. I met a Swedish girl called Anna-Karin at lunch club. She invited me to knitting club and since that first day at knitting club I’ve been crazy about knitting. Hahaha!
Now I’m working at Actavis with pharmaceutical development and I’m still crazy. Thinking about knitting a lot!
At knitting club you can meet a lot of different cultures, which is really fun. I’ve met people from Sweden, Germany, England, US, Iceland, Ireland, Canada and Norway there. And we usually meet once a week at Jamie’s place. She is always very nice and generous.
Here is my first sweater in Swedish wool with lamas in the pattern.
The arms are a bit too short for my darling Johan but the body looks ok. I actually ran out of yarn and I think I bought this yarn back in 1995. Woow that is long time ago. And another thing was that I had never stitched together a sweater before so the seemes are not invisible. But on a distance it looks quite good :)
Johan can wear it at home in the sofa with me when it is really cold. Actually I thought I made it for me. But as I said I was a beginner when I started. Used wrong needles, haha.
It was now it started for me with Icelandic wool, called lopi. I started with my first lopapeysa (Icelandic sweater) for my niece. My younger sister (4 years younger than me) became a mother before me. That was the first grandchild for my mother. But my father is still waiting for me to get pregnant (we don’t have the same father).
It was really fun to se the results.
This is how it turned out:
I made it in lopi yarn ( 100% thick wool).
After that I wanted to try something thinner so I made a léttlopi sweater for myself. Léttlopi is lighter and thinner than lopi. Lopi only weigh half of léttlopi when you wear it. But I actually like lopi more. It feels softer in some way. The finished sweater I made feels so itchy. Maybe I should have washed it in more conditioner. It turned out like this:
The sad thing is that I don't like it so much because the shoulders turned out to be weird. I don't know what happened there really, but the shoulders have a tendency to point upwards like two big bubbles. Otherwise I really like the pattern. It looks really nice. If I have a jacket on top of it I can actually wear it.
I wonder if someone would wear it?
Then I also made a small hat for my niece in the same colors. It turned out like this:
After that I wanted to do a Icelandic lopapeysa for myself. I had difficulties to decide what pattern to use but finally I made my mind and knitted one i blue colors.
It looks really nice. I really liked it. However, the size was wrong. It was too big. I was so sad. It turned out to be like a medium. I will give it away.
I look a bit tired on that pictures. I was soo tired that day.
After that sweater it was time to make one for my darling and that is actually the best one I made so far. It looks really nice. I really like the pattern and the color. The zipper was very difficult to sew in because it was my first. But it looks ok and Johan was very glad to get it. He wore it almost every day. And a colleague of him was a bit envious about it. He wanted one too. But I know that Lára will knit one for him one day.
I have also made a lot of hats and some mittens but I'm not going to put up pictures on that. All of them are not so good. Some try out projects if you know what I mean.
After that I also knitted 3 small lopapeysur for kids. Two in lopi yarn and one in plötulopi (which is unspun yarn and therefore cheaper). But they have to be washed before I put up pictures and two of them need zippers to be sewed in. So cute small sweater.
At the moment I'm making a lopapeysa for myself again. One that I hope will fit. It will be white with some brown colors. The armes are attached. Just knitting the top pattern now.
SORRY IF I MIX BRITTISH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH WORDS. I don't seem to have learned all the differences. Like color or colour???