31 May 2009

Knitted Icelandic sweater (lopapeysa) with skulls almost finished!

Well, it goes slowly forward with the sweater. But it depends on me having more pain in my fingers lately. I read more books at the moment. I am really into the Twilight series now. Nowadays I do not knit as frenetic as I once did. But I keep on going as good as I can. Now I only have the hood left to do. I thought about how I was going to do it for a long time and finally I made up my mind. I am going to have a skull on the back side. We will see how it ends up. This is how the pattern turned out:

I think it is cool. I only need to buy a zipper for it too. But first I need to finish it, sew the armpits, sew in all loose ends and wash it. The drying takes usually 2 days or even 3 days sometimes. So it will take a while before it is finished. I have until 25th of June. Then we are going to Sweden for a month. So then I will have to have it ready to take with me.


. said...

Very nice swaeter! Where did you get the skull chart?

Stinky Cat Food said...

wow where can I buy one or commission one? Love it

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