15 August 2015

Finishing a old project

I found a project that I started several years ago but never finished. Somehow it never came to an end. I just couldn't do it. Now however, I feel the urge to finish it. I am really in mood so to say. 
So I have started crocheting  the squares together. It is supposed to be a blanket when it's finished.

13 August 2015

New pattern in English and Swedish - VITSIPPA

I designed this pattern long time ago but never finsihed the sizes. Now it is all finished in both Swedish and English and can be bought as a PDF, sent by e-mail.

I call it VITSIPPA, which means Wood anemone in Swedish.

Find it here: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/14---vitsippa---icelandic-cardigan

or here: http://islina.se/en/products/patterns/patterns-on-pdf-file/pattern-vitsippa-icelandic-knitted-sweater-in-alafoss-lopi.html

11 August 2015

A few new patterns!

I translated a few new patterns to Swedish from my distributor of patternsbooks in English and Icelandic.
Look in my webshop for patterns :www.islina.se/en

A few of them I would really like to knit myself.

This cosy sweater for example:

Then we have this sweater, which I like:

The sweater for guys is also translated. A real wiking sweater.

This week I am working with patterns only. So there will be a lot done finally.
Next week it is back to reality, which is 100% studies and 50 % work as a teacher in addition to work with my webshop. I have a lot going on, that is for sure.
I need to study for one more year, then I Think I am finished. I hope so.

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