19 May 2011

I have registered my own business, which will sell Icelandic wool in the internet in Sweden.

I have finally registered my own business. Amongst two kids and very little time I have managed to finish my business plan and registered the company I am planning to run. I will sell Icelandic wool, patterns, books and Icelandic knitted stuff by my self. Now I have 2-3 weeks to find a good solution for a webshop. It will take 2-3 weeks until the registration is final.

The name of the company will be Islina Garn Och Design, which is the same as Islina Yarn translated to english.

The knitting is standing still at the moment. I have not been doing anything since I have all into the company. It is also like that in the Summer that I do not feel a much like knitting as in the Winter. Here are some pictures of the Icelandic wool I have in my closet.

Some Icelandic Álafoss Lopi

And some plötulopi:

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