06 November 2011

Felted slippers - I have tried to do felted slippers in Álafoss Lopi

I watnted to try to do felted slippers in Icelandic yarn the other day. So I knitted 2 pieces in Álafoss Lopi, sewed them together and placed them in the washing machine 60 degrees Celsius (111 degrees Fahrenheit) twice. They ended up pretty big but my daughter can have them anyway and they will be perfect in 2 years or so.
I am going to try do some felted slippers in Plötulopi next time.

But now I at least know that it is possible to felt Icelandic yarn. However, I had to wash the pieces twice in 60 degrees Celsius in the washing machine.

This is how the pieces looked like when I had knitted them:

And this is how they looked like after sewin them together:

And this is the result after washing them twice in the washing machine:

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