13 February 2011

Knitted Polo-neck Sweater finished!

I have finished the turtle-neck (polo-neck) Sweater. It took forever. What took very long time was to sew it together for example. And it was not very good result at the shoulders. And then I ran out of the turquoise yarn. So I could not do as long neck as I wanted to do. I could not buy more since it was very long time ago I bought it and it was also bought in Iceland.
So I am not supersatisfied with the Sweater. I am not so used to do these Sweaters where you sew every part together. It is quite nice at least.
But I can not wear it just yet. My stomach is still big (still have that baby-stomach left from the pregnancy). That is why I am not modelling in it either. I will just wait a while.

Here is the result:

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